Addiction Withdrawal

Is GeneSight Testing for Medications Effective?

Searching for the right medication, or combination of medications, that can help alleviate symptoms of mental health conditions can get frustrating. GeneSight testing has made that process a bit smoother for some. To add, GeneSight testing ensures patients take the right medications, with the awareness of how it may impact them. Being able to do […]

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Is Detoxing from Benzos Dangerous?

While they are beneficial for the treatment of various mental health and medical conditions, benzodiazepines come with their own set of concerns. Are benzos dangerous? That is a question asked by many Americans who are prescribed these medications, as well as those who buy them illegally on the street. Even when taken as prescribed, these

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Signs and Symptoms of Xanax Withdrawal

Like any substance, Xanax carries the risk of withdrawal symptoms — even when taken as prescribed. While the risk of dependency is greater when you misuse Xanax or take doses higher than prescribed, you might experience different signs and symptoms of Xanax withdrawal if you suddenly stop taking Xanax. If you are concerned about your

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Opium Abuse Detoxification Signs, Risks, & Withdrawal Symptoms

All opiates arrive from the poppy plant, which secretes a resin-like botanical substance called opium. Opium is a natural pain killer that also creates sensations of euphoria. Opium has been exploited in one method or another by humans for at least 5,000 years.   Through the millennia, opium has advanced and is now synthesized in a

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Methadone Detoxification Effects, Abusive Signs, & Symptoms

The journey towards recovery from a synthetic opioid such as Methadone is a long road towards sobriety. Methadone is used as a legal detoxifier as a painkiller in therapy for people quitting an opioid addiction, such as one to heroin. This method allows the addict to receive Methadone on an “as needed” basis within specified guidelines,

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Bath Salts Detox: Abuse Signs, Side Effects & Withdrawal Symptoms

There are multiple risks and known signs of bath salt abuse. The different dangers and symptoms of bath salt abuse include use in combination of other designer drugs sold in the disguise of bath salts.  Recognizing the best ways to notice signs of bath salt abuse and it’s dangers can help someone in need.  Withdrawal from bath salts can resemble, and lastly, detox treatments like that from Ambrosia Treatment

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Alcohol Detox: Signs, Effects, Symptoms

There are multiple risks and known signs of alcohol abuse.  This article attempts to explain alcohol withdrawal symptoms along with corresponding alcohol detox. As well as, how to perceive signs and dangers of alcohol addiction to help somebody dealing with addiction, what withdrawal symptoms are, and lastly detox treatments like that from Ambrosia Treatment Center

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The Consequences of Meth

Meth Addiction Symptoms Methamphetamine, more commonly known as meth, is a highly addictive stimulant sold as the street drug, crystal meth. Meth can be injected, smoked, inhaled or taken by mouth. The following are common symptoms of methamphetamine use: Decreased appetite Increased wakefulness and activity Increase in respiration Euphoria Rapid heartbeat With continued use, meth

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Oxycodone Withdrawal & Detox Timeline (And Helping the Symptoms)

You’re ready to give up oxycodone, but you’re scared. You’ve been a little sick between doses before, and you know that it’s just the beginning of what detox feels like. You don’t think you can make it. We understand. And we disagree. Oxycodone withdrawal is certainly intense, and many people say it’s one of the

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