We Do Recover

The Benefits of a Sponsor in Recovery

A 2012 study in the peer-reviewed journal Addiction found that having a sponsor in recovery can improve a person’s ability to remain sober. But what, exactly, is a sponsor? And what are the specific benefits of having a sponsor in recovery? What is a Sponsor? A sponsor in recovery is a person who has been […]

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Understanding Why Mental Health Awareness Is Important

The prevalence of mental health disorders in the United States and the persistent stigma that often prevents people from getting help are two reasons why mental health awareness is important. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than half of all Americans will have a mental health diagnosis at least

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Examples of Powerlessness In Sobriety List

The 12-step program is based on the belief that one day at a time we can take control of our lives by making positive changes. Many peer recovery groups use examples of powerlessness in sobriety to help participants accept themselves for who they are. Acceptance includes taking responsibility for our actions and accepting that we

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