February 2022

What Questions to ask a Psychologist or Counselor

Seeking help for your mental health disorder can be overwhelming. You know that attending therapy or counseling is a good first step, but you are not sure what to expect. That’s okay. If you believe you have a psychological condition that needs treatment you’ll want to know what questions to ask a psychologist or counselor

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The Different Levels Of Alcoholism

According to MedlinePlus, alcoholism is a severe alcohol use disorder (AUD). Alcoholism is also one of the most common mental health disorders, affecting around 15 million Americans over 18. There are different levels of alcoholism with varying severity. The History of Research on Levels of Alcoholism and Addiction Research in alcoholism and addiction is relatively

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I Think I’m Having an Anxiety Attack: Signs and Symptoms

Anxiety disorder is one of the most common mental health problems in America today. It affects more than 40 million Americans. Most people with anxiety disorders don’t seek treatment because they think it will make them worse or that it is a waste of time. But there are many effective treatments available, including medications and

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