Mirtazapine Addiction Treatment That Works

Mirtazapine, a prescription antidepressant, is considered a relatively non-addictive way to treat and manage major depressive episodes. However, as with any drug, there is a certain possibility for abuse. If you are struggling with addiction to Mirtazapine or some other prescription medication we recommend reaching out to an addiction specialist at a qualified rehabilitation treatment center near you. Here at Ambrosia Treatment Center, we utilize the latest Mirtazapine abuse treatments, including contingency management and cognitive-behavioral therapy. We help people understand and focus their energy on the benefits of continued abstinence from drug use instead of on the drug itself through motivational enhanced therapy. And our cognitive behavioral therapy teaches individuals skills to help them deal with addiction-related situations as they arise. Both of these treatments have proven to be effective for substance abuse issues.

Dealing with depression can be quite a challenge, and turning to medication is completely understandable, but if that medication has gotten on top of you and you aren’t sure where to turn reach out to us here at Ambrosia Treatment Center. We have three locations throughout Florida and one in Pennsylvania, offering a holistic and supportive approach within our nationally-recognized rehab program that focuses on each one of our client’s individual needs.

What Is Mirtazapine?

Sold under the brand name Remeron, Mirtazapine is part of a class of drugs called tetracyclic antidepressants or TeCAs. This type of drug increases activity in the serotonin and norepinephrine neurotransmitter systems in the brain. Increased levels of serotonin lead to more positive moods and emotions as well as improved sleep, and norepinephrine has the ability to improve memory. Mirtazapine also has antihistamine properties which can cause a slight sedated feeling for users.

Mirtazapine is prescribed by doctors to help manage different mental health disorders, chiefly major depressive disorder, but also:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Obsessive–compulsive disorder
  • Panic disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Low appetite/underweight
  • Insomnia and headaches
  • Nausea and vomiting

Because of Mirtazapine’s ability to make people feel sleepy doctors will recommend taking this fast-dissolving oral tablet drug in the evening just before going to bed at a dosage of 15mg. It can however be prescribed up to 45mg as deemed necessary by a medical professional.

Side Effects of Mirtazapine

Any foreign chemical being introduced into a person’s bloodstream does have the potential to cause side effects. If you or a loved one are taking Mirtazapine it is important to watch for any of the following and to seek medical attention as soon as possible should they occur:

  • Drowsiness, lightheadedness, or dizziness
  • Increased appetite
  • Weight gain
  • Dry mouth
  • Constipation
  • Elevated cholesterol levels
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Swelling in hands and feet
  • Changes to behavior such as manic moods
  • Vision changes or swelling around the eyes
  • Low white blood cell count
  • Confusion, muscle weakness, or fatigue, which could be a sign of hyponatremia – low sodium levels in the blood
    Suicidal thoughts

Because Mirtazapine affects the serotonin levels in the central nervous system it does have the ability to cause a very serious condition called serotonin syndrome. Where there becomes a build-up of too much serotonin in the brain causing symptoms such as; fast heartbeat, hallucinations, loss of coordination or muscle spasms, severe dizziness, nausea/vomiting/diarrhea, fever, and agitation or restlessness. These dangerous serotonin levels are more likely to occur when a person mixes Mirtazapene with other drugs that affect serotonin in the body like Benzodiazepines. It can also happen if a person takes more than the recommended 15mg dosage, as can an overdose. If this is the case it is imperative they seek medical attention right away or call the Poison Helpline at 1-800-222-1222 for more instruction.

How To Tell If You Are Addicted To Mirtazapine

Although considered to be non-habit forming, it is still important to be careful when taking Mirtazapine as a dependency can develop which can, in turn, lead to addiction. Some signs of dependence on Mirtazapine to watch for would include:

  • Needing a larger dose to feel the drug’s effects
  • Cravings for and obsessive thoughts about the drug
  • Continued usage even after the physical issue is dealt with
  • Continued use at the objection of friends and family
  • Feelings of isolation and hiding usage from friends and family

If you decide that you would like to quit using Mirtzapine it is important to speak with your family doctor, as it is not recommended to try to stop taking it cold turkey. The withdrawal symptoms when quitting Mirtazapine can be unpleasant and include:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Tingling, prickling sensation on the skin
  • Irritability
  • Nightmares
  • Return of depression

5-Star Mirtazapine Addiction Treatment Center Near You

Ambrosia Treatment Center Drug & Alcohol Rehab & Detox in-patient, out-patient, detoxification, substance abuse rehab centers provide advanced addiction recovery treatment. Get your health, future, and family back with top-rated compassionate care at one of our Drug Alcohol Rehab Centers. Recover at our therapeutic, sun-filled, palm tree-lined, addiction rehabilitation centers. Ambrosia’s drug & alcohol rehab experts have been featured in the media hundreds of times including at CBS, NBC, CNN, Washington Post, Forbes & The Wall Street Journal. You’re in the right place to make real change.

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